Wells is fortunate to have a committed and hardworking PTA which works enthusiastically throughout the year to organise a range of events. Whilst many of the activities help to raise additional and much - valued funds for the school, the PTA also plays a significant role in providing social events for our children and families.
The PTA is made up from parents, carers and school staff throughout the school and new members are most welcome. Some PTA members are able to commit a significant amount of time to arranging planned events whilst others are happy to help out ‘on the day’. Any assistance or contribution is welcome.
Regular events in the PTA calendar include: the Christmas and Summer Fayres, school discos, adult quiz evenings and Bingo for the children.

Each year, the PTA is able to make significant purchases for the benefit of children throughout the school. More recently, the PTA has contributed towards the provision of artificial grass in the school playground to enhance play areas for the pupils.
Annual Accounts