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At Wells, we have adopted a maths mastery approach for the teaching of mathematics.

Underpinning this pedagogy is the belief that all children can achieve in maths. We believe in promoting sustained and deepened understanding by employing a variety of mastery strategies, with teaching for conceptual understanding at the heart of everything we do. We aim to create independent mathematicians who are equipped to apply their learning to the wider world.

Teaching for mastery aims to provide all children with full access to the curriculum, enabling them to achieve confidence and competence-‘mastery’- in mathematics, rather than failing to develop the maths skills they need for the future.

As with all teaching and learning at Wells Primary our curriculum is tailored to our children.  We use Power Maths to structure and ensure all strands of mathematics are fully integrated into our core curriculum.  Alongside this, teaching staff who are supported by experienced leaders, ensure that all pupils grasp the learning before they move on to another strand. A spiral curriculum ensures that topics are revisited regularly and learning is embedded which encourages a love of mathematics for all children. The mathematics knowledge gained is used within other subject areas such as carrying out surveys and constructing graphs in science and developing knowledge of direction and time in Geography. This demonstrates to the children that mathematics is not an isolated subject but a tool they will use throughout their lives.