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Wells Primary School

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At Wells Primary we believe that to develop into the leaders and innovators of tomorrow, our children must be equipped with the skills for the 21st century. According to Piaget: "The principal goal of education in schools should be creating men and women who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done; men and women who are creative, inventive and discoverers..."

The requirement for pupils to develop their skills in Computing is therefore taken very seriously. The school invests carefully in its technological provision; an ICT specialist teaches the skills aspect of the curriculum whilst class teachers enable pupils to use technology to develop other aspects of their learning. The school is well equipped with interactive whiteboards in each classroom and a computer suite which provides individual computer access. 

Computing is taught during two sessions per week throughout the school, one session for the teaching of skills and the second to allow those skills to be used to support learning.    

We work hard to ensure that all pupils are able to use technology to support their learning and that they understand how to keep themselves safe when using a range of technological devices. E-safety is a crucial part of the Computing curriculum. 


Computing is far more than word processing at Wells Primary School and our pupils move onto secondary education with advanced skills. The children become adept at using a range of Microsoft programmes including Word, Powerpoint and Excel; they also have the opportunity to learn programming skills, using higher order thinking processes to solve problems when controlling how a computer behaves. Pupils experiment with animation, data logging and control.
